The Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Brooklyn, New York City, consists of a network of salt marshes, upland fields, and wooded areas, providing a habitat for a diverse array of bird species, including Canada geese.

Canada geese migrate to this refuge during the fall and spring seasons. In spring, they rest and feed in the grassy areas and wetlands, using the refuge as a breeding ground where they nest and raise their young during the summer months. In autumn, these birds migrate from their breeding grounds in Canada and the northern United States to the warmer climates of the southern states and Central and South America. The refuge serves as a vital stop along their migration route, offering suitable habitat and necessary resources to help them reach their wintering grounds.

Visitors to the refuge can observe the geese as they forage for food, rest, and prepare for the next leg of their journey. As the days grow shorter and temperatures drop, Canada geese are often seen feeding in groups on the surface of lakes or ponds and flying in large V-shaped formations—a sight that delights birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts alike.

牙买加湾野生动物保护区位于纽约布鲁克林,内有盐湖、林地和灌木树林。 多种鸟类, 包括加拿大鹅,在此作为它们的的家园。

加拿大鹅是在秋季和春季的迁徙季节来到此野生动物保护区栖息。 在春季,它们在草地和湿地休息和觅食,将保护区所作为生养之地,在夏季的几个月里它们在那里筑巢和抚养幼崽。 在秋天,这些鸟类从它们在加拿大和美国北部的繁殖地迁徙到气候温暖的南部各州以及中美洲和南美洲。 他们将此保护区作为迁徙路线上的一个停靠点。 动物保护区为这些鹅提供了合适的栖息地和必要的资源,以便它们能够前往越冬地。

秋天来此野生动物保护区的游客可以欣赏加拿大鹅觅食、休息和为下一站旅程做准备的情形。 随着白天越来越短,气温越来越低,人们经常可以看到加拿大鹅成群结队地在湖泊或池塘的水面上觅食,成群结队地飞翔,有时甚至呈大 V 字形排列。见此情景, 所有的观鸟者都会感到心旷神怡,不枉到此一游。

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