Conowingo Dam is a popular destination for watching and photographing bald eagles, America’s national bird. Built in 1928, the dam spans the Susquehanna River in Maryland, near the town of Conowingo. It is a hydroelectric dam that generates electricity. Because the dam’s turbine intake valves draw water—and fish—through the dam into the river downstream, and the water never freezes during the cold winter, the area provides an excellent food source for birds. Additionally, the dam is located along the migratory route of many birds, especially bald eagles. These migratory birds take advantage of the fish-rich river to conserve energy. This is why there are frequent opportunities to witness bald eagles swooping down to catch fish or even fighting each other for food.
The dam is open to the public on certain days and during specific hours, but the parking lot (located at 2569 Shure’s Landing Road, Darlington, MD 21034) is open daily from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM. The two best spots for eagle watching are 1) right at the parking lot along the fence and 2) the fishing pier, a rotunda at the base of the dam. After sunrise, or around 10:00 AM when the air temperature rises, bald eagles typically emerge to fish.
This was my first visit to the dam. Driving from New York City was straightforward and took just over three hours. When I arrived, several people were already there. It was a quiet, warm day, considering it was the end of October. I spent several hours and saw only five eagles flying around, but I wasn’t disappointed at all—it was thrilling to be able to watch these majestic birds up close.
While waiting for the eagles to fly by, I enjoyed watching wild cormorants diving into the water to catch fish. On that particular day, all the fish caught by both the eagles and the cormorants seemed to be yellow-skinned catfish. The yellow skin added a striking accent to the photos, making the images more vivid. I captured my best shots between 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM, when the lighting was just right.
科诺温戈大坝 (Conowingo Dam) 是观看和拍摄美国国鸟白头鹰的一个著名景点。 该大坝建于 1928 年,横跨马里兰州科诺温戈镇附近的萨斯奎哈纳河。 它是用于发电的水力发电坝。 由于水轮机的进水阀将水和鱼通过大坝吸入下游河流,而且流经大坝的水在寒冷的冬季不会结冰,大坝为鸟类提供了极好的食物来源。 另外,大坝恰好位于许多鸟类,特别是秃鹰的迁徙路线上,这些候鸟利用多鱼的河流来积累保持能量。 这就是为什么我们在此总有机会捕捉到白头鹰捕鱼或它们为食物而互相争斗的行为一瞬间。
大坝在特定日期和时间向公众开放,但停车场(地址:2569 Shure’s Landing Road, Darlington, MD 21034)在上午 9:00 至凌晨 5:00 总是开的。 观看白头鹰的两个最佳地点是 1) 就在停车场靠栅栏的地方,和 2) 钓鱼码头(大坝底部的圆形台面)。 太阳升起后或上午10:00左右开始,气温升到足够高时,白头鹰就会出来抓鱼。
这是我第一次来这个大坝。 从纽约市驾车前往大坝十分便捷,仅需 3 小时多一点。 当我到达时,已经有不少人在那里呆了一段时间了。 考虑到当时是十月底,这一天是相当地安静而温暖。 虽然我花了几个小时才看到五只老鹰在飞来飞去,但我一点也不失望,因为这是我真正可以近距离观察老鹰的地方。
在等待老鹰飞来的间隙,观赏野生鸬鹚潜入水中抓鱼,也是一种乐趣。 那天,鹰和鸬鹚捕获的鱼似乎都是黄皮的鲶鱼。 黄色的鲶鱼皮肤给照片增添了很大的亮点,让照片栩栩如生。 我的最佳的照片是在上午 11:00 到下午 2:00 之间光线良好时拍摄的。
A bald eagle catching fish 抓鱼的白头鹰
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Please click thumbnail to enlarge photo and start photo show 请点击缩略图放大照片并开始照片展览
A flying bald eagle while carrying a fish 驮着鱼飞翔的白头鹰
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Flying bald eagles 翱翔的白头鹰
Moments of cormorants catching fishes 鸬鹚抓鱼的瞬间
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