The outbreak of COVID-19, which began in January 2020, has fueled anti-Asian hatred in many parts of USA. Besides deep-rooted implicit discrimination against Asians in some people’s minds, the main reason that the wave of anti-Asian crimes was so fast and widespread is mainly due to some unscrupulous media and bad-faith politicians spreading misinformation or distorting facts intentionally or unintentionally. Since the beginning of the pandemic, those unscrupulous and bad-faith politicians and media have incited unwarranted anxiety and paranoia, which has led to the tragedy of many Asian Americans being pushed off the subway, stabbed, and shot.
For more than two years, and even now, Asian-Americans and Pacific Islanders have been subjected to physical and verbal assault, causing them to feel unsafe and unwanted in public spaces. More than 1,000 anti-Asian-American crimes have been officially documented, but far more such incidents go unrecorded than imagined.
Asian Americans are no longer silent. Over the past year, Asian Americans, no matter where they live or what their profession is, students, professionals, elected politicians, have stood up to express their anger and fight for their rights. For a rare time, Asian Americans ignored political and religious divisions and stood united against anti-Asian hatred.
I participated in and documented demonstrations in my village, in Flushing where is populated densely by Asian-American, and in Manhattan.
始于2020 年 1 月爆发的 COVID-19 招致了美国许多地方反亚裔的仇恨。除了归因于某些人根深蒂固对亚洲人的隐性歧视之外, 反亚洲犯罪的浪潮如此之快和广泛,主要是一些不道德的媒体和不良政客有意或无意地散布错误信息或歪曲事实的导致的。自从大流行开始,那些无良政客和媒体煽动了无端的焦虑和偏执,导致了许多亚裔美国人被人推落地铁,刺杀,枪击的惨剧。
两年多来,即使是现在,亚裔美国人和太平洋岛民仍遭受身体和语言攻击,导致他们在公共场所感到不安全和不受欢迎。官方已经记录了 1000 多起反亚裔美国人的犯罪事件,但没有记录在案的此类事件远远超出想象。
亚裔美国人不再沉默。在过去的一年里,亚裔美国人, 无论住哪里或者什么职业,学生、专业人士、民选政客,都站起来表达他们的愤怒和争取他们的权利。难得有一次,亚裔美国人超越政治和宗教的歧见,团结一致反对对反亚裔的仇恨。
Visualizing Anti-Asian Violence in the United States from New York Times
Scarsdale March 24, 2021 斯卡斯代尔 2021 年 3 月 24 日
To view large photos, please click the galley at the end. 查看大图,请点击相册末图库。
New York city, Flushing April 29, 21 纽约市法拉盛 21 年 4 月 29 日
To view large photos, please click the galley at the end. 查看大图,请点击相册末图库。
国会女议员 Grace Meng
NYC Manhattan, April 1, 21 纽约曼哈顿,4 月 1 日,21 日
To view large photos, please click the galley at the end. 查看大图,请点击相册末图库。