This post was transferred from my previous website. 这篇博客转自于我以前的网站。

Beijing Guijie (gourmet) Street is located on Dongzhimennai Street in Beijing, where hosts hundreds of restaurants, mainly Sichuan cuisine and Northwest cuisine. The restaurants open at dusk and close at dawn. The rush hours for dinning run from 7 to 10 o’clock everyday. During this period of time, the street is full of cars, and the sidewalks are bustling with handsome younger men and ladies. Those who have are lucky to get seats in the restaurant are enjoying foods, and those who are on the waiting list have to sit on the small benches, either tasting melon or sunflower seeds provided by restaurants or simply flirting each other. This is an unique scene in Beijing. I have dined more than a dozen restaurants there, and my favorite pick is Hu Da Sichuan Restaurant, whose cumin mutton is a must for me.

北京簋街位于北京东直门内大街, 云集了上百家餐厅,主要以川菜和西北风味为主。 餐厅大致在天刚黑时开张, 一直到天亮前才结束。每天7到10 点为高峰时间, 大街上车子川流不息, 人行道上俊男美女熙熙攘攘。 定到了餐厅位子的在里面大快朵颐, 等待的座在小板凳上嗑瓜子或打情骂俏,实作为北京一道美食风景线。我光顾过不下十几家餐厅, 最喜欢的是胡大川菜馆, 里面的孜然羊肉是一绝。

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Enjoying sex just likes eating gourmet food, and there is no difference. As a notation to this, next to the restaurant is a sex toys shop.

食色性也, 一点不错,紧挨着餐馆的是成人用品店。

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A few pictures of people. Waiters/waitresses, diners who just finished their party, hungry men and ladies who were waiting, street artist who who were making candy figurines, and kitchen aider who cut open oysters. They are just ordinary people, like one’s uncles, brothers and sisters, etc. Very familiar scene everyday.

几张众生相。 店小二,吃饱喝足的食客,等着的饿男饿女,制作小糖人的百姓,还有取牡蛎肉的帮工,看着像我的叔伯兄弟姐妹,好亲切。

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